Olives mini pizza
Is there anyone in the world who does not like pizza? And even more if it is a pizza prepared with the taste of Spanish olives ... and in mini size! As adorable as delicious, and so easy to prepare! Also, children love them! Go preheating the oven, the number of units you prepare is up to you!
• 60 gr pitted Hojiblanca black olives
• A precooked pizza dough
• Tomato sauce
• Grated cheese
• Ham
• Basil
Set the oven temperature until 200º.
With the help of a cooking mold, cut the dough into small round shapes. Spread the tomato sauce over the pizza dough and add grated cheese, ham and olives to taste. You can include a basil leaf too.
Place the mini pizzas into the oven up to 200º for 10 minutes.
Cut it into portions and serve.